Thank You!

A M A Z I N G ! Our share issue is now closed and we gained around 500 000 € as investments from 518 investors. A big thanks to everyone who has joined to our story! You are warmly welcome aboard ❤️T H A N K Y O U & H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !
Summary of the results of our campaign!

Our funding round is coming to an end and now we can wrap-up the results we have achieved. We had two main goals for the campaign, and we are happy to see that they will be achieved. The main goal of the campaign was to raise capital to secure the company's growth and internationalization. The minimum target was to raise at least 150,000 €. We exceeded the minimum target when the campaign was public for 3 days and now we have over 460.000 € raised after the end of the campaign. Another target was to gather a large number...
Vielä ehdit sijoittaa Papuun!

Joulu tekee tuloaan, ja mikäs olisi pitkillä vapailla sen parempaa ajanvietettä kuin perehtyä Papun osakeantiin ja sijoittamiseen!
Olemme keränneet tämän kierroksen aikana jo yli 400.000 euron arvosta sijoituksia, lähes 400:lta sijoittajalta. Huikeaa!
Shares as a gift
arvo-osuustili joukkorahoitus julkinen osakeanti oskakkeita lahjaksi papu design papustories vastuullinen sijoittaminen

Yes, you can give shares as gifts! Donating shares is not as difficult as it may seem. We have got some questions about whether Papu shares can be given as gifts and how does it happen. So, we put together an information package to help you with the share donation. Who would I give shares as a gift? Papu shares are a great gift idea for loved ones and for example for your kids. Ownership of shares does not require any investment experience, but Papu shares are also suitable for more experienced investors, especially those interested in investing in sustainability....
Why acquire Papu shares and how does it happen?
arvo-osuustili julkinen osakeanti kasvu osakkeenomistajat sijoittaminen vastuullinen sijoittaminen

Many of our clients are unfamiliar with investing, so we put together a clear information package on how to buy shares through a public offering. By following these instructions, you can easily buy our shares!