PAPU DESIGN — sustainability
Papu Design was ranked again in the A category in the Rank A Brand sustainability report

The Finnish clothing company Papu Design Oy that designs, produces and sells kid’s and women’s clothing, was ranked well this year in the sustainability report completed by Eettisen kaupan puolesta Ry. Papu reclaimed its position in the best A category this year despite the tightened criteria. Papu Design Oy is known for sustainable high-quality clothing. Sustainability has been an important value for the company since it was founded. This year Eetti Ry evaluated 34 Finnish clothing brands in their actions concerning climate, environment and human rights actions as well as transparency. According to points in different sections the brands...

QUALITY One of our core values is quality and we want to include it to everything we do. We believe, that the most sustainable garment is the long lasting one. CREATIVE We believe that creative people make the world a better place to live. We are ready to take risks when creating new, especially when we feel that old ways don’t work anymore. We hope that our creations and designs will bring you a lot of joy and happiness! BOLD Be boldly who you are! Being on the frontline is not always easy but we are sure it will reward some day.