OSAKEANTI — papustories

Shares as a gift

arvo-osuustili joukkorahoitus julkinen osakeanti oskakkeita lahjaksi papu design papustories vastuullinen sijoittaminen

Shares as a gift

Yes, you can give shares as gifts! Donating shares is not as difficult as it may seem. We have got some questions about whether Papu shares can be given as gifts and how does it happen. So, we put together an information package to help you with the share donation. Who would I give shares as a gift? Papu shares are a great gift idea for loved ones and for example for your kids. Ownership of shares does not require any investment experience, but Papu shares are also suitable for more experienced investors, especially those interested in investing in sustainability....

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Näin sijoitat listaamattomiin yrityksiin

arvo-osuustili joukkorahoitus julkinen osakeanti kasvu papu design papustories sijoittaminen vastuullinen sijoittaminen

Näin sijoitat listaamattomiin yrityksiin

Perinteisesti kasvuyrityksiin on päässyt aikaisessa vaiheessa sijoittamaan enkelisijoittajat ja työntekijät, eikä osakkeita ole ollut julkisesti myynnissä. 2010-luvulla homma kuitenkin muuttui: Suomeen kehitettiin alustoja (esim. Invesdor) joiden kautta listaamattomat yritykset pystyivät myymään osakkeita yksityissijoittajille: eli tavallisille tallaajille kuten sinä ja minä. 

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5 reasons to invest in Papu

julkinen osakeanti osakkeenomistajat papu design papustories sijoittaminen vastuullinen sijoittaminen

5 reasons to invest in Papu

You may already have looked through our Invesdor profile, but if you are still wondering should you invest in Papu, read this blog post. Here are five concrete reasons why it is a good idea!

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The minimum target of our share issue has been met!

joukkorahoitus julkinen osakeanti osakkeenomistajat papu design papustories vastuullinen sijoittaminen

The minimum target of our share issue has been met!

Fantastic! Our campaign minimum of € 150,000 is complete today and we have received support from over 80 shareholders during the funding round. Big thanks to the investors who have already made the investment! 

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What is Papu Design Oy?

joukkorahoitus julkinen osakeanti papu design papustories sijoittaminen vastuullinen sijoittaminen

What is Papu Design Oy?

Papu Design Oy is a Finnish clothing and lifestyle company known for high-quality children's and women's clothing made mainly from organic cotton. The company was founded in 2012 and today the products are sold in 27 countries through the company´s own online store and over a hundred retailers. PAPU started as a children's clothing brand, but now it has grown into a collection for children as well as for adults, and this year more than half of the company's revenue comes from women's collection. 

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